Thank you very much for considering a donation to the Kankakee County Humane Foundation!
KCHF is a 501(c)3 operating solely on donations. We do not receive any monies from the National Humane Society or any other state or local government agencies. We are totally funded by donations and various fundraising events.
In addition to our operating expenses, we’re also looking toward the future as our current facility is aging and needing continuous repairs; so we’re also working on growing our building fund.
Have you ever wondered how much dog or cat food is consumed on a daily basis here at the shelter? Our dogs eat 50 pounds of food, EVERY DAY! Our cats eat 40 pounds of food, each week! With a recurring monthly donation of just $20 per month, YOU can literally feed all of the KCHF dogs for a whole day- every single dog! More of a cat person?
With a recurring $20 per month, you can feed all of the KCHF cats for a whole WEEK!
While it's no secret that shelter life can sometimes be hard on an animal, being able to always feed our residents the same brand of food will eliminate extra stress on their body. For only $20 you aren't only feeding ALL of the pets we have waiting for a home, but also making their stay with us so much more comfortable!
General Donation
Your generous contribution will help us provide community support by engaging in animal welfare advocacy in Kankakee County by:
Offering low income spay and neuter voucher assistance
Providing food and veterinary care assistance when needed to maintain owner retention
Partnering with other rescues organizations and agencies
Working to eliminate dog fighting and abuse in our community through education and legislative action
Partnering with local veterinarians to promote adoption, care, spay and neutering
Offering Illinois Dept. of Agriculture Licensed Humane Investigators to respond to concerns of abuse and neglect.
The KCHF is not affiliated with the United States Humane Society.
NOTE: If you do not have a Paypal account - don’t worry! When you hit the Process Donation button below, you will be redirected to a PayPal page where you can pay directly using your credit or debit card without the need for a PayPal account.

There is still so much work to be done!
On Behalf of the animals at KCHF we want to extend a big THANK YOU for your generosity! Because of you we can save more animals in our community, educate people, and give every animal their “Happily Ever After”.
Thank you for believing in our mission!